![Zoro and Stefulj skating the new BOZIKOV board by Popcorn Skate Co.](https://xmkd.com/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGeG1rZC5jb20lMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMTklMkYwNyUyRmJvemlrb3ZfYm9hcmQuanBnJmNhY2hlTWFya2VyPTE3MDU0MDgwODEtOTU1MTImdG9rZW49YTRmMzU4NDBlZjMzZGZhZA.q.jpg)
Zoro and Stefulj skating the new BOZIKOV board by Popcorn Skate Co.
Stefulj visited Skopje recently. Met with Zoro at XMKD.com, set the new BOZIKOV boards in place and embarked on a brief but fruitful adventure around the city. Continue reading BOZIKOV board by Popcorn Skate Co.