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Nukeproof Introduces Ride Wear To The World

Nukeproof Introduces Ride Wear

To be honest, the guys at Nukeproof are just riders like you, and this was the starting point for their new ride wear line. So what do we riders want? What are we missing from our current clothing and how can we create something that enhances our ride experience?

Nukeproof introduces ride wear as Rebranding others gear was an option, but then it’s not quite “Nukeproof”. Just producing a branded ride jersey again was also an option, this time they wanted to offer something more. Nibble people like to have those touches that truly make clothing “Nukeproof”.

Introducing the all-new Technical ride wear collection from Nukeproof
Spring/ Summer 2018 New Zealand
Rider: Jackson Davis
Location: Queenstown, New Zealand
Edit by Laurence Crossman-Ems

The Nukeproof team is fortunate to have an experienced clothing designer and it’s been her job to lead this. But still, it’s taken time to learn how to develop their own technical range from scratch. The dark art of finding the ride fit, sourcing and partnering with the best fabric mills to produce a high-quality technical kit to ride in. The graphics are also a challenge, some days you may just want a subtle riding top to blend into nature, other days you’re out between the tapes and being loud and proud! Nukeproof technical ride wear is designed exclusively by Nukeproof’s team in Belfast to incorporate their “attitude”. Gravity inspired products designed with purpose, designed by riders for riders.

The Nukeproof ride wear is coming soon to our shop.

In the mean time checkout some other products: