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S.K.I.R.O.L. InstaCLIP No.5 Rocks Your World!

S.K.I.R.O.L. InstaCLIPS! No.5

When the weather is rainy for 3 days consecutively there is nothing left to do but edit S.K.I.R.O.L. videos! 🙂

S.K.I.R.O.L. behold the new InstaCLIP from compiled in slow motion from recent mobile phone footage in Skopje.

Until next time, Love life, enjoy skateboarding. S.K.I.R.O.L. means skateboard in local slang on the Balkans like Serbia, Macedonia and most of Ex-Yugoslavia. Check out the website for more info and clips, as well as for the origins and the history of skateboarding in Macedonia.

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